Having worked for several oil majors, Gioia is Professor at the University of Glasgow, where she holds the Rankine Chair in Energy Engineering, and heads its Energy & Sustainability Group, and is a visiting professor at Imperial College London. She provides consulting in geothermal engineering, and energy resource classification, multiphase flow systems and integrated production optimization. Gioia is vice-chair of the UNECE Expert Group in Resource Management and is a board member of the International Geothermal Association and the SCCS, the largest carbon capture and storage research group in the UK.
Bob Harrison
Petroleum Engineer, Reserves Auditor FEI
After working for UK oil & gas independents and a global upstream energy consultancy, Bob helps energy companies to evaluate their asset portfolios and to manage diverse and virtual project teams. He is an acknowledged expert on global resource reporting systems, including CO2 storage. Bob is a Competent Person with signatory authority for submissions to regulators and stock markets, and he is a Fellow of the Energy Institute.
oil & gas upstream
Audit & evaluation of oil & gas assets.
Attendance of data rooms for due diligence.
Setting up data rooms for asset divestiture.
Peer review of petrophysical studies.
Estimation of in-place oil & gas volumes.
Forecast of recoverable resources using decline curve analysis, material balance, and numerical simulation, including associated risks and uncertainties.
Optimization of integrated production systems.
Flow assurance modelling.
Underground gas storage modelling.
geothermal energy
Screening of mature oil fields that may provide co-produced water and well stock for geothermal development.
Risk analysis of geothermal play prospectivity and potential geothermal development.
Peer review of conceptual geothermal development plans.
Classification and categorization of geothermal resources.
Modelling of geothermal doublet systems.
co2 sequestration
Identification of potential sites for CO2 geologic storage from depleted oil & gas fields and deep saline aquifers.
Screening of candidate oil fields for CO2-EOR.
Assessment of existing oil & gas pipelines, platforms, and wells that may be repurposed for CCUS operations.
Classification of carbon storage resources for reporting to regulators and stock markets.
energy transition
Identification of existing oil & gas infrastructure that may be re-used for hydrogen production, storage and transport.
Due diligence for oil & gas M&A activity.
Unitization and redetermination disputes.
Competent Person Reports (CPR).
Expert counsel in international litigation cases.
Introduction to petroleum engineering.
Production engineering.
Multiphase flow metering.
Gas well deliquification.
Produced water management.
Geothermal engineering: from potential to reserves.
Data room management for M&A activity in the oil gas sector.
Oil & gas resource reporting systems.
CO2 storage resource classification and reporting frameworks.
Repurposing oil & gas infrastructure for the energy transition.
Management of subsurface project teams.
soluzioni idrocarburi srl
Established in Rome in 2006, SI (Italy) has an international network of associate academics and industry experts on whom it can call. SI provides a personal, friendly, and professional service, working closely with clients to solve their problems
sustainable ideas ltd
Set up in 2021, SI (UK) services the North Sea oil & gas sector, and has branched out into offshore CCUS and energy transition, as well as onshore geothermal energy
Countries Where SI has worked
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Middle East, North Africa, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Romania, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, UK, USA, Venezuela.